Please help us help you by following these guidelines:

DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING (including water, hard candy or chewing gum) after midnight the day of your procedure, unless otherwise directed. Undigested food in the stomach can cause complications and your surgery is likely to be postponed if you forget to follow these instructions.

BATHE OR SHOWER and brush your teeth (taking care not to swallow any water) the morning or surgery. This will assist you in feeling refreshed as well as minimize the chance of infection.

REFRAIN FROM SMOKING after midnight on the day of your procedure.

IF YOU SUSPECT THAT YOU ARE PREGNANT, please notify your surgeon. Anesthesia and medications may be harmful to the developing fetus.

REMOVE ALL MAKE-UP, CONTACTS AND JEWELERY. We also suggest that you wear casual, loose clothing, especially with procedures involving the extremities. During surgery, you will wear a patient gown provided by the Center.

ARRANGE FOR AN ADULT TO ACCOMPANY YOU TO THE CENTER, DRIVE YOU HOME and stay with you for the first night following your surgery.

IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY HEALTH CHANGES between your most recent visit to your physician and the day of your procedure, notify your physician. Please report even minor changes, such as an elevated temperature, cough or cold.

BRING PHOTO ID ALONG WITH MEDICARE OR OTHER INSURANCE CARDS. Please check with your insurance for pre-admission requirements such as second opinions and pre-admission certification and/or authorizations. This will facilitate the admission process.

The temperature in the Surgery Center is normally cool. Those waiting in the lobby may want to bring a sweater.

IF WE HAVE NOT REACHED YOU TWO DAYS PRIOR TO SURGERY to review your medical history, pre-operative instructions, and financial arrangements, please call the Center at (561) 626-6446 Ext. 245.